Sunday, July 8, 2007

The People Have Spoken: Jihad Me At "Fringe Hit!"
...from Eye Weekly online...
  1. Jim Says:

    Definitely gives a new meaning to shock and awe. This show is screamingly funny and parts of it will offend everyone. It’s way over the edge and exactly what the Fringe needs. It’s the kind of show that puts your prejudices right in front of you and makes you think about who you are and what your values are. That’s what theatre is supposed to do. It’s what this one does. It starts slow and needs some work in the first few minutes but once it gets going, wow! The last sketch will offend pretty much everyone but that’s why they call it the ‘fringe’. A must see. Just don’t take your parents.

  2. Walt Poddubny Says:

    Started off slow, slightly predictable, but got funnier as it went on. The circus of pain was one of the funniest/most disturbing things I’ve seen at the Fringe.

  3. Matt Says:

    Stunning!. An absolutely amazing cast, writing and performance that deserves to be a ‘Pick of the Fringe.’

  4. Marsha Says:

    Not to be missed! Totally inappropriate, politically incorrect, irreverant and delectable. As in, I found myself snort-laughing one moment, analysing my own prejudices, examining my values the next. This one takes you right to the edge of spectator-actor relationship. Deserves to be PICK OF THE FRINGE!

  5. Sam Says:

    Finally! A breath of fresh air, “out-there” as a frisbee flying, but ends up right on target. This is smart sketch comedy, and it knocks you over with the funniness of it, and then the outrageousness. Bravo, Obscene but Not Heard!!!

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