Monday, June 25, 2007

The Squattinators

The continuing adventures of OBNH, entering your hearts, and homes, whether you're there or not...

1. It doesn't take a genius, or an extra large pocket calculator, to figure out that OBNH needs a home for a few days between the Montreal and Toronto fringes.

2. Enter, this unsuspecting Southern Ontario home. No really, enter it. We did.

3. This is the house's owner, Atticus. Atticus' human caretakers are in between moving out of their apartment and into this bungalow. Cue Trev and Zed!

4. Trev makes friends easily. Atticus says we can hang out at the house for a few days.

5. Hmmm... they've already started moving some boxes over... and they're full of booze! How convenient! We were getting thirsty after our long travels.

See more in Part Duh of our travels.

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